

Energy – Vibrations – Photons. We are all “submerged” in an ocean of energy. As in music world in light spectrum we have so called octaves or spectrum.  So, as a certain form of energy, the photons with specific frequencies affects our physical organism and beyond. It is common to call a visible spectrum of photons as a light that we see.

The visible light spectrum ranges from short-wavelength violet to long-wavelength red. Photons of light from violet end of the spectrum have the highest energies and the highest frequencies, while red photons have lower energies and lower frequencies. Beyond the range of our vision are the longer wavelengths of the infrared and the shorter wavelengths of the ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

In recent years the application of low-level light therapy has become a driving force in many different areas of medicine.

Photonic or light therapy is completely noninvasive, a 100% natural with zero side effects. It has been proven effective for a wide range of healing and rejuvenating applications including anti-aging, hair loss prevention, skin regeneration conditions, pain relief and much more.

Different body tissues absorb energy from different wavelengths of light energy have their own unique light absorption characteristics;. Photon therapy uses a wavelength of visible light spectrum for the surface of the skin. Also, there are some applications that work beneficially for eyes therapy. Photon light therapy stimulates your body in a specific way that medication is unable to accomplish. This added benefit gives you more control on a molecular level.WHAT PHOTONIC LED LIGHT THERAPY IS AND WHY IT’S GOOD FOR YOUR SKIN

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode (not to be confused with laser). Narrow band frequency super-luminous LEDs are safe concentrated light sources designed to produce the specific wavelengths of light that provide therapeutic benefits of light therapy without adverse side effects.

By using correct wavelength light energy the cells in the dermis layer of skin will convert that light energy into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is fuels the cell. The fibroblast cells in the dermis layer produce collagen and elastin, skin’s vital elements. Photonic energy, or light emitted by LED matrix gives that necessary boost and stimulates these fibroblast cells begin to produce collagen and elastin like in a young organism.

Light therapy is great for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improving uneven skin tone, reducing pores size, brightening the skin and rejuvenating the youthful look of your skin.


  • Stimulates synthesis of adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) an immediate energy source for muscle contraction and essential in the metabolism of all cellular processes and sustaining living systems
  • Increases blood capillary circulation and vascular activity by promoting improvement in the metabolism of nitric oxide (NO). This facilitates improved regulation of vasodilation and leads to the formation of new capillaries – this in turn provides additional oxygen and nutrients to accelerate natural tissue healing processes and eventually evokes a cascade of beneficial biochemical processes.
  • Stimulates production of collagen, reduces scar tissue and stimulates wound healing
  • Increases RNA/DNA synthesis – this stimulates cellular reproduction and facilitates accelerated replacement of damaged cells
  • Stimulates immune response and healing process
  • Increases production of endorphins and enkephalins from the brain – promoting pain reduction and mood
  • Activates the adrenal gland
  • Stimulates fibroblastic activity promoting repair of connective tissue and formation of collagen fibers


In 1965, the Russians and Czechs were trying to standardize color therapy, which is the use of colors to treat the body. When they used a single color on a number of people, they got different reactions because color affects emotions and produces different effects. The Russians wanted to have a standard treatment, so they theorized that if they isolated one frequency of blue, or red, they could duplicate color therapy on a regulated basis. They started separating different frequencies with lasers, and they discovered a lot more than they expected to find. They discovered that a single frequency light in a laser can stimulate DNA in damaged cell tissue.


When this therapy reached the U.S. and Canada, both lasers and light-emitting diodes were being used. The LED diffuses light, contrary to the single frequency laser. With this diffusion, the cell can actually be in control of the treatment and shut off the molecules when it was done. But with the laser, the cells are no longer in control; the operator applying the laser controls it. If he does it too long or with too much strength, you would not only heal the tissue, but you would start a deterioration again. So basically, the use of light-emitting diodes eliminated the drawback of lasers, and light could be applied to such sensitive areas as the eyes and around the face. LEDs allowed this whole area to blossom into a much larger usage by average people in their homes. By using light emitting diodes which are much safer. Since the cells are basically in control of the process, there is no way to overuse light.


You can even get light into the blood stream. One of the best ways is through your belly button because the aorta artery is behind the belly button. So if you insert the light there for 20 minutes, every drop of blood in the body will pass in front of the light, increasing the activity of your white cells, red cells, B-cells and T-cells, so you can boost your whole immune system.


Acupuncturists discovered that single frequency light could activate acupressure points. Pulse light could stimulate it. Continuous light could sedate the acupuncture points. Also, discovered that light applied to a meridian end-point can actually be traced flowing through the meridian to the organ acupuncture points. The meridian system is a useful pathway for getting light deeper into the body, so if you are treating things like asthma in the lungs, there is an alternate method of getting light into the lungs.


528 Hz into LIGHT SPECTRUM  

Light therapy with a wavelength of 568 nanometers (nm) would fall within the yellow-green spectrum of visible light. This specific wavelength is close to the green region but slightly shifted towards the yellow part of the spectrum. While there may be some overlap in the potential benefits of 568 nm light therapy with those of green light therapy. Research regarding the direct effects of light therapy, particularly at specific wavelengths like 568 nm, on DNA is limited and nuanced. However, it’s important to note that light in the visible spectrum, including wavelengths around 568 nm, can penetrate into biological tissues to some extent. Light absorption by chromophores within cells can lead to various biological responses, such as changes in cellular metabolism, gene expression, and signaling pathways. *Chromophores are molecules in a given material that absorb particular wavelengths of visible light, and in doing so confer color on the material.

Some studies have investigated the effects of light therapy, including specific wavelengths, on cellular processes related to DNA repair and maintenance. It’s plausible that light therapy at 568 nm could influence DNA-related processes indirectly through its effects on cellular signaling pathways and metabolism.

Potential applications and benefits that could be associated with 568 nm light therapy:

Skin conditions: Light therapy in the yellow-green spectrum may have similar benefits to green light therapy for improving skin tone, reducing inflammation, and promoting wound healing. It could potentially be beneficial for conditions such as acne, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation.

Mood enhancement: Exposure to light in the yellow-green spectrum may have mood-enhancing effects similar to those observed with green light therapy. It could help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, and promote relaxation.

Pain management: Yellow light therapy in the broader spectrum (around 570-590 nm) has been studied for its potential analgesic effects. It may help alleviate pain associated with various conditions, including migraines, fibromyalgia, and neuropathy.

Circadian rhythm regulation: Light in the yellow-green spectrum may also influence circadian rhythms and sleep patterns, although research specifically on 568 nm light therapy may be scarce. Exposure to light in this wavelength range, particularly in the evening, could help regulate the body’s internal clock and improve sleep quality.

* While there has been conclusive studies done on the effectiveness of LED light therapy, as with any form of light therapy, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or skin therapist, before starting treatment, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking medications that may interact with light therapy.