

Water is the source of life yet we still know very little about the fascinating properties of water and its secrets and the true its nature remains unknown. Water hides a lot of power that we are might be able to release.

Leonardo Da Vinci once said that “Water is the driving force of all nature”.

 Every system in the body depends on water. We drink it, swim in it, and our bodies are largely made of it. Enzyme production, digestion, detoxification, even the beating of your heart are all processes that require water. Water is a solvent for minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. Water is essential for the elimination of waste. Water is involved with everything!


Water is not only fundamental source of all life, it is also a medium within all life forms and it has a memory. Water is able to carry and exchange information that’s sometimes referred to as the energy signature or vibrational imprint.

Dr.Emoto, who wrote a work titled “Messages from Water”, is famous for his claims that human   consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Thoughts and words have unique “magnetic” code, which can interact with water and it has a memory – a memory which extends far beyond our transient lifetimes. Water memory experiments were followed and supported by many other scientists worldwide, such Emilio del Giudice (Italian  physicist),  Vitold M. Bakhir, (Russian inventor). Alexander Stiepanow (Russian scientists), Jacques Benveniste (French immunologist).

The essence of the memory of water is something like alphabetic letters that can be arranged into different words with different meanings and different information. In the case of water such letters are like molecules. In the way it’s a code like a structure which contains a whole range of relevant information and properties but depending on many different factors and it can be viewed as a genetic code of living organisms.


Water is intelligent in nature and has its own way of communicating with other elements.

Substance or matter alone physicality is more like an illusion. For something to be alive, it needs to have consciousness. Awareness and being conscious of your existence means to be alive. The only thing that is truly real is energy or consciousness. Quantum physics has demonstrated that everything is energy and exists in different levels of our very existence. Yet, the energy itself is manifestation of some form of Mind.

Now think and be aware of what you drink !


– Unlike almost all other compounds, which typically shrink as they get colder.

– Water is the only substance that exists in solid, liquid, and gas phase under ordinary, natural conditions.

– Water expands when it freezes which is why ice floats on water. Yet even the reasons for this unusual fundamental property remain elusive.

– Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Wherever it travels, water carries chemicals, minerals, and nutrients with it.

– Somewhere between 70% and 75 % of the earth’s surface is covered with water.

– Over 90% of the world’s supply of fresh water is located in Antarctica.

– Water regulates the Earth’s temperature.

– Water makes up about 70% of the human body and blood is 92 % water.

– Unlike other liquids, water expands in freezing.