

The core of all existence is the sound of music. All particles within the universe obey the law of frequencies or simply music.
Just like an Instrument – you can tune your body. It is necessary to create a harmonious environment or simply “tune” your mind and synchronise your body.

Energy – Vibrations – Music.  Everything in the Universe, including our own bodies, thoughts and feelings, moves and vibrates at different frequencies. The entire universe is made of fields of energy playing a subatomic symphony. We are all in fact living in an ocean of energy. What appears separate and solid to us – it is actually an illusion. All universe is interconnected and consequential.

So, the sound frequencies can affect us. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal. The way frequencies affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various experiments such as the science of Cymatics and water memory.

The Law of Octaves. The universe consists of vibrations that follow the law of octaves. For example, a whole diatonic scale of musical notes comprises an octave. Starting at any note, it takes seven notes to return to that same note, the eighth note, which is now the beginning of the next higher scale. Each vibration on the musical scale interacts with all the other vibrations, making harmony possible when certain notes are combined.

We also find this structure of octaves in the periodic table of elements, where the elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic weights. Every eighth element is similar in characteristics to the first element, yet also distinct and different. Ancient Egyptians referred to the number “8” as the “sacred constant. This knowledge was extended by Pythagoras. He also elaborated the natural laws concerning the ratios behind harmony and created a whole cosmology based on eights. Pythagoras concluded that everything was music, even stone, which he called “frozen music.”

There is no straight line in nature. Everything is always ascending and descending, as well as weakening or strengthening a vibration, and no matter where you begin, you will always end up turning in a spiral-circle.

 The music is one of the most effective forms of energy that has the ability to affect our physical and mental state. Just listen – it is constantly surrounding us. In some way we could refer to music not only man produced creation but also the sound of the sea, wind, birds etc.

When we listen to music some parts of our brain allow us to process and remember music. Music also creates a link to emotional state, place or certain event. Music has evolved and explored over hundreds of years and the emotional aspect has been one of the main impacts. Music is not just emotion but also it is a way to activation various subconscious processes.


Why do we hear something not in-tune when we hit a “wrong” note sequence – because we’re very fine tuned instruments, we are receivers and transmitters and our DNA is programmed to create harmonious. Also, it reacts accordingly to any disharmony or unbalance. However under certain conditions we can “loose” ability to sense “wrong” vibrations, what can lead to destructive process on our mental and physical state. The body works in much the same way as the orchestra. The main core of harmony is when all instruments are tuned alike and perform in tune with each other.


The fundamental principle of Energy Medicine is that an energy field affects physical, emotional, and mental behaviors or symptoms. But let’s review energy formation or manifestation basics.

The possibility for great healing can be seen in the science of sound. The harmonics of sound work to create order out of chaos. Disease, you might say, is a form of disharmony or partially chaos in the body.

The nature itself have sort of ‘embedded code’ into all life forms. One could harmonize inner pattern and alter the processes within.

One way to visualize and change the energy field is through a science named ‘cymatics’. By using an oscillator (or generator) it is possible to produce many different of types of frequencies, also to create the same vibrations that are found in the nature.  Experiments can be performed with water, sand and other substances. By changing the frequencies the particles of the substance forms into some very interesting geometrical shapes. Within these shapes can be seen the properties of sacred geometry. Interesting fact is that the higher the frequency, the more complex the shapes would appear to be.

Such observations can give an understanding of how matter comes to life. The principles of quantum physics shows that patterns emerge via waves of energy, the plates were showing the scientist a similar phenomenon. Since all matter is just different energy vibrations or quantum field, then we have the ability to create a different reality with sound!

This is why practices like mantra chanting were held in high esteem. For example, mantra AUM (OM) causes a certain frequency to imprint upon the ‘matter’ around it, and thus changes the energetic field.

It is known that ancients used sound science and practiced the chanting along with the other vibrational techniques to purify the mind and heal the body.


Science of sound gives understanding that certain frequencies are having healing impact not just for the human body but also for any life form. By creating resonance we are able to transfer energy through the forms, from one to another.

285 Hz – Triggers healing process and body rejuvenation.

396 Hz – Brings joy, liberates guilt and fear, makes way for higher vibrating emotions.

417 Hz – Undoing situations and facilitates change.

528 Hz – Transforms and repairs DNA, awakens consciousness.

639 Hz – Heart vibrations, relationship, connects with spirituality.

741 Hz – Expression, solutions, cleaning.

852 Hz – Awakens intuition, restores spiritual order.

963 Hz – Activates the pineal gland, and balances the body.

 Of course, there are frequencies that are not even within the human range of hearing, but they are healing nonetheless. However, the use of musical hearing range can have dramatic effect on our state of mind and body. According ‘harmonics law’, the frequencies within the human hearing range will extend waves travel in both directions over full scale reaching highest and lowest vibrational extremes.