
“Nach 6-wöchiger Anwendung der Activeo2zone Cream (jeweils morgens und abends) deutlicher Rückgang der Berührungsempfindlichkeit veränderter – und sogar bereits gelaserter – Hautpartien. Es erfolgt eine Abschilferung der oberen Hautzellen, und die behandelten Hautstellen zeigen eine glattere und ebenmässigere Oberfläche wie nach einem Peeling. Insgesamt ein sehr zufriedenstellendes Ergebnis” – Katharina H., Schweiz

“Over the years of my world travels ActiveO2zone always has been my main emergency remedy. I can’t think of anything better than this natural wonder-cream that can be used universally for various cases” – Dan, Canada

“Acting career puts lot of stress on my skin. Finally my skin regained its natural vitality. In fact, I gave up my other fancy facials, since ActiveO2zone delivers best results. I know that you produce only limited quantity of this cream, but I wish more people could have it and support your projects” – Kate, Vancouver, BC

“Amazing results. Your cream worked for my stomach ulcer! … it’s gone in 3 weeks. I’ve used gel capsules filled up with ozonated oil and taking it internally 4 times/day. I feel Alive again!” – Vladimir, Vancouver, BC

“Unexpectedly, leg ulcers are completely healed and the skin looks like new. After years of struggle finally natural solution – extremely effective and it has no side effects. To me it’s a Miracle…” – Samuel, Canada

“Kindly note that your cream is fantastic it does work brilliant” – Vina, UK

“Bonjour. Un problème de mycose persistante aux pieds. Après avoir utilisé cette crème durant 2 nuits, plus aucun problèmes. La mycose a disparu et j’ai retrouvé une peau propre et parfaite ! Merci beaucoup” – Chris, France